Summer is HERE!

Hey friends!

It was definitely hard for me to adjust back to reality today since this past weekend was filled with loads of activities as well as a bit of fun in the sun. Here is a peek into my pretty awesome weekend.


My weekend fun actually started Friday morning since I attended a Social Media Breakfast for local social media enthusiast like myself. The meeting was held at E’s Kitchen which is located in Parc Lafayette.

socialmediabreakfast2Fresh brewed coffee and eggs were served to all those that were in attendance.

socialmediabreakfastAlthough my initial intention was to participate on behalf of my employer, I actually also gained loads of insight on how to better promote the blog too. It was a very educational meeting, and I cannot wait to participate again next month.

Once I had clocked out for the weekend, I headed home to freshen up for a dinner date with my best friend, Kristin. Since my hair was looking pretty miserable after a full day, I decided to pin it up into a bun for the night. I used this easy tutorial; however, my bun didn’t come out so messy.

bunI suggested Sushi Roxx for our dinner date that night since the restaurant is close to home, delicious and never “too” busy on a Friday night.

sushiThat night we shared edamame, plum sake, and a Crunchy roll. I also opted for the Double Whammy roll which contained tuna and yellowtail. Kristin also ordered the Yo Mama roll for herself. After dinner we headed back to my place for a movie and wine night. I had a absolute blast catching up. Many giggles were shared, and we both agreed that it felt like an old night back in our college town house.


Brett and I spent Saturday afternoon browsing for new pots and pans at Bed, Bath and Beyond. We took pictures of the sets that we liked the most, and have intentions of reading reviews on our favorites before purchasing. We also visited Target so that we could purchase a few things for the house with a gift card we received as a wedding gift.

Later that evening we joined our friends Rodney and Morgan at LT’s Seafood and Steakhouse. That night I ordered five boiled crabs, boiled mushrooms and a boiled onion. The crabs were full of meat and flavor, and I was definitely one happy, Southern girl after the feast.

boiledcrabsAfter dinner we headed over to Rodney and Morgan’s to watch the ULL vs. LSU baseball super regional game. Since I am an alumni of LSU, I was definitely cheering for my Tigers. But at the same time I felt compelled to support the Rajun Cajuns as well since they represent my hometown of Lafayette. The game was definitely close and intense, but in the end LSU was the victor.

After the game we played Cards Against Humanity. I had only ever saw the game played a few times on Ellen, so I was very eager to play that night. This game was all sorts of fun, and we definitely shared a few moments where we laughed until our stomachs hurt.


Our weekend ended with a day out on the boat in Henderson. We enjoyed the day cruising and wake-boarding with Brett’s coworkers Toby and Colin.

boatingIt was an insanely beautiful day to be out on the water.


boating5boating2Brett and I loving the Southern Louisiana lifestyle!

Once we returned home, we watched the second ULL vs. LSU series game. Since LSU won again, they will now advance to the World Series in Omaha! Geaux Tigers!!!

Meal and Workout Plan

Since this past weekend was filled with one too many indulgences, I can definitely say that I’m more than ready to dive into my normal eating and workout habits. Check out my dinner meal and workout plan for the week below.

Dinner Meal Plan

Monday: Grilled Green Onion Sausage with bell pepper, mushroom and onion kabobs.
Tuesday: Tuna steak with asparagus
Wednesday: Biggest Loser Fried Chicken Fingers with sweet potato fries as well as a cucumber and tomato salad.
Thursday: Meatloaf with steamed broccoli, carrots and cauliflower.
Friday: Shrimp Enchiladas

Workout Plan

I actually got back into the pool last Thursday, and since I enjoyed my swim so much I’ve decided to dedicate all my workouts this week to swimming. Below is the workout that I completed today.

Warm Up
2 x 100m Breaststroke Swim (even pace), rest 0:20/100m

Build Up
2 x 50m Freestyle Swim, rest 0:15/50m
2 x 50m Breaststroke Swim, rest 0:15/50m

3 x 100m Backstroke Swim (even pace), rest 0:20/100m
3 x 100m Freestyle Swim (even pace), rest 0:20/100m

Warm Down
1 x 50m Backstroke Easy, rest 0:15/50m
1 x 50m Breaststroke Easy, rest 0:15/50m
(repeat twice)

I hope you all have a great week ahead!

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